
Sky Jack!! (Book Review4)

When a large plane is hijacked, the Prime Minister looks at the list of passengers and suddenly becomes very, very frightened.
There is name on the list that the Prime Minister knows very well. There is someone on that plane who will soon be dead if the hijackers can find out who he is!


Tomorrow is TAKUMA SAI! We prepared for tomorrow. We gathered 7:00 am, so I'm so sleepy and so chilly.


License plates

I finished paper of Kaigaikenshu last week. I could learn many things and experienced different culture between United states and Japan! I like Americans license plates. It is different in a design in every state. So, it's interesting!!
I like MN's plate, because I like blue.+.゚(*´∀`)b゚+.゚ And my host family gave me it!! I was very happy!!



Today's listening class was cancel. This class is the first class, so I could get up later than usual!! I watched news and so on. I could relax little bit.
I'm going to go to Fukuoka with my friend! So, I'm excited!!!
I have to go school right now!!! I have a part-time job after school・゜・(PД`q。)・゜・


Extracurricular activities

Today was extracurricular activities of swimming school! We went to South Aso. At first, we went to the source of Sirakawa. There were a clear atmosphere, but there was chilly. Next, we went to "Soba douzyou" We can make Soba and eat by ourselves. So, we made Soba with children. They were making nearby hard. They were very cute!!
Then we ate this. It was good!!
Next, we went to "Tsukimawari park". There was park in lawn and rabbits and horses is in there. We held small athletic meet!! There were very fun!! But I was very tired...

A Little Woman (Book Review3)

The story begins with a detailed description of an anxious young woman. The woman is frustrated with the narrator for some reason which he cannot understand since they are strangers. The narrator contemplates the situation and wonders what will help the little woman with her obsessive frustration with him. He contemplates suicide as a possible solution but eventually decides to keep the issue concealed, aware that the woman will continue to live in rage


Part-time job

I had part-time job, so I was tired! Tomorrow, I have to go Aso for extracurricular activities of swimming school. So, we held meeting for tomorrow. Because I am those who lead, it is necessary to defend child's safety firmly.
I sleep early because I have to go there early!!

Good night,


Today' morning!

Today's listening class was cancel. This class is the first class, so I could get up later than usual!! I watched news and so on. I could relax little bit. I have to go school right now!!!!



Today, we have English introduction test. It was difficult for me... I should have studied more.



WAI 2-01: The First Month
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My weekend

I caught a cold. But I had part-time job, so I taught children swimming at Saturday and Sunday. I was very cold. Maybe I caught bad cold... I have a headache and feel chilly. So, I take medicine, take nutrition and sleep well. Recently It is cold like winter! I took out winter clothes and washed those. I think I need Kotatsu soon. I don't think I feel fall! Take care of yourself!!!

Typing 5 Kumamoto (2)

Kumamoto (2)
I like Kumamoto’s product food! I like Taipien, Basashi and so on. Taipien is very healthy food. What united eyes 5, such as a shrimp, a cuttlefish, pork, Chinese cabbage, a bamboo shoot and Jew’s-ear with spring rain soup and attached the agedama child. It is good! (47 word)

Good Wives (Book Review 2)

The March sisters- Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy - have geown up. They are young women now. Each sister has a different plan for her future life.
Meg ia going to marry John Brooke. She wants to have children. Jo wants an exciting life and she wants to be a famous writer. Amy wants to be a painter and she wants to travel to Europe. Beth wants to stay at home. She wants to have a hoppy, quiet life.
They thinks different things, so this was interested!



I bought Backstreet Boys's CD!! I like their song. And thier poster was bonus! I was happy.


I feel cold, so I returned in the middle of a lecture.
I sleep very well, good night!



My office is in Diei. We went to the stand of Yakitori after job. There is front of Diei. We ate many Yakitori!! It was very good*:.。☆..。.(´∀`人)

So, I want to go there again!!



I went to dinner with my friend. We went to Izakaya, we ate many food and drunk!

We talked many thing, I enjoyed☆

Then we went to Haagen-Daza, I ate new product. It was very good! But I was full and was hard...彡(´∀`;●)彡

Then We went to friend's house and played card game, watched TV.

I had nice time♪

My weekend

I'm swimming instructor in sporta club. Sunday, I went to Aso with co-worker for extracurricular activeties of swimming school. At first, we made Soba! It was little bit difficult but very interesting! Then, we ate this Soba. It was very good!! Next, We went to Tsukimaeari park. There were big park. We are goin to hold small athletic and BINGO!! We can touch rabits and hoses. There are very fun!! We are going to held extracurricular activeties after 2 weeks! So, It will excited!!


I’m from Miyazaki. I like Kumamoto. Kumamoto city is very nice! I often go to Kamitori and Shimotori. I can see a Kumamoto castle. It is very nice.
In additionary, I like Aso, there are nice! I like ice. And there are many beautiful places. So, we can relax! I’m going to go to Aso 2 weeks ago!


Kumamoto Castle

I went to Kumamoto castle by bicycle!

There was lighted up at night, so beautiful!!! But we were tired because a slope was rapid and was serious...



I had a part-time job from 8:00 - 10:00 am. Then I had two supplementary lecture from afternoon. I'm so tired...


I went to Izakaya near school with my friend. I was unpleasant yesterday, so they encourange me!! I was very happy!!
I must change a feeling!!!!



I went to MN for a month. There was so beautiful places! I watched many picture what I took with host family.

MN: many lake, Twins(Baseball team), Viking(Football team)...



Food & Drink
I like eating! I went to Minnesota during summer vacation. I ate many food, drank in MN. My host mother cooked many food and cookies and so on. I drank juices, coke and so on. I made my birthday cake, cookies and sweets with my host mother!! It was fun. She was good cooker! When I have turned 20th , we went to Japanese(64 words)

My weekend

I had part-time job on my weekend. Sunday, I went to Izakaya with my friend after job. I met her for a long time! So, we talked many things, we ate many food and drank!! I had good time. I want to meet her someday!
I work at sports club. Monday, we held events of our original lessons! These instructor change clothes. For example, 2 instructors wore Afro's wig. Other instructors wore training wear of elementary school or junior high school. So, they were funny! Member were surprised and laughing!!


13 going on 30

My friend lend me this DVD.
Jenna is 13 years old, she is a girl who yearns for woman.
The 13th birthday and she suddenly becomes a 30-year-old woman who is successful as an editor of a publishing company. And she look for Matt, he was her childhood friend. Her mind is 13, she experiences the grown-up world through love.

This movie was very fun!
I recommend this movie.


Part-time job

I work at sports club. Today was event of our sports club's original lesson. These instructor disguised themself with afro's wig and wore gym suit of elemetary school.
They were very funny!! Member of sports club said they were very funny!!



I went to Izakaya with my friend after part-time job. I was glad to meet her after a long separation. We talked many things and ate many food and drank!!
I had good time. So, I want to meet her again!!!


LOVE STORY (Book Review1)

I read "LOVE STORY "

This story is a love story. Oliver Barrerr meets Jenny Cavilleri. He is sportsman. He is rich, he's clever.
Jennifer is a music student. She's beautiful, she's clever.

When they meet, they fall in love. Oliver's father is a rich banker in Boston, and Jenny's father is a poor banker in Rhode Island.



I take another lecture at Fraiday. This is TOEIC lecture. I study it very hard for taking good score!! So, I remenber many vocabrary!!



I'm taking secretary lecture after school of Tuesday and Thursday. I feel the secretary should know various knowledge. So, I must study common sense, honorific and so on.



Yesterday, I lost my cell phone at school. I was shock!! So, I called at PC room and they looked for it. I had classes and lecture, so I couldn't look for it until 9:00 pm. I went to PC room after laecture. They held it. I relive about it.

Typing 2

Food and Drink
I like sweets! I went to United state during summer vacation. I ate many sweets. And I made cookies and cake with my host mother. She is very good cooker! So, those sweets were very good!! Then I has turned 20th during home stay. My host mother and I made my birthday cake!!